Slate of Officers

July 1, 2006 by
Filed under: Nominations 

Slate of Officers

The Section Board is presenting the slate of officers for the 2006-2007 Program Year.

* Chair – Jina Eckhardt

Jina Robbins Eckhardt is current acting Chair of ASQ Baltimore section 0502, with 27 years experience in the Software Engineering and Software Quality fields. She received her bachelor’s degree from New York York University in 1979, and later attended George Washington University while studying for her M.S. in Information Management. She is a Senior Member of ASQ, with ASQ certifications in Software Quality Engineering and Quality Auditing. Jina is a Staff Principal Engineer at ARINC in Annapolis, Maryland.

* Vice-Chair – Eric Whichard (“Eric W”)

Eric Whichard (BS, MBA) is currently Section Treasurer. He has 20+ years experience in chemical manufacturing quality, currently as manager in a divisional quality organization of W.R. Grace & Co. (HQ in Columbia, MD). He is a senior member with certifications including QM, QE, and SSBB, who joined in 1982.

* Treasurer – Aron Brall

Aron Brall (BS, MBA) is currently Section Arrangements Chair. He has 30+ years experience in Reliability and Quality, currently as Reliability Services Area Team Leader for SRS Technologies at Goddard Space Flight Center. He is a Senior Member with certification in Reliability Engineering and has been an ASQ member wince 1992.

* Secretary – Eric Finegan (“Eric F”)

Eric Finegan CQA, CBA, is currently VP, Regulatory and Quality Affairs at DeJarnette Research Systems, Inc, a small medical imaging company in Towson, MD. He has 15+ years of software development and software quality experience in the financial, air traffic control and medical imaging sectors. Eric is currently an Advisor to the Board, as well as the current Webmaster for the ASQ Baltimore section website.

Your local section is always looking for volunteers to assist your section work for its members. If you have something to offer, please review our Section Board position page and contact us if there is something you are interested in. Every committee can use help from the membership.
Section Board Elections


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