Judges still needed to volunteer for the 52nd Annual Baltimore Science Fair

March 20, 2007 by
Filed under: Community 

Judges still needed to volunteer for the 52nd Annual Baltimore Science Fair

The ASQ Baltimore Section has once again been invited to participate in the 52nd Annual Baltimore Science Fair at Towson University. As in past years, the Baltimore Section again will provide volunteers and awards to students at the Baltimore Science Fair.

1. Local members will volunteer as independent judges.
2. Judging will take place on March 24th and the awards ceremony will be on March 25th. It will take place at Towson University.
3. Volunteers will judge the student exhibits for their use and understanding of statistical principles and statistical thinking,
4. The Section will also recognize teams of students for effectively working together to solve their chosen problem.
5. Members interested in volunteering may contact the Science Fair Committee Chair, Kevin Gilson at .

The Fair attracts winners of school and county-based science fairs from Maryland’s Baltimore Region. Students represent public, private, and home, middle (Division 1) and high (Division 2) schools within Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, Howard Counties and Baltimore City. Fair is sponsored by Towson University, Kiwanis Club of Towson-Timonium, Kiwanis Club of Baltimore City, Lockheed Martin Corp., Baltimore Co Public Schools, Constellation Energy Group, Howard Co Public Schools, BD Diagnostics.

Winners from the Baltimore Science Fair will compete in the International Science and Engineering Fair, May 13-19, 2007 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

This is a great way to give back to the local community.
Quality Community – Science Fair Committee


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