Maryland Performance Excellence Awards: Call for Examiners
The Maryland Performance Excellence Awards program, which honors organizations working to increase their effectiveness through performance excellence, is accepting applications for examiners in the 2007 awards program. This Baldrige-based program recognizes organizations for performance excellence with the U.S. Senate Productivity Award and Maryland Quality Award.
* Examiners receive valuable training and experience in applying the Criteria for Performance Excellence by reviewing an award application as a member of an Examiner Team.
* Learn how leading organizations achieve performance excellence.
* Gain visibility, credibility and recognition in the state and from your U. S. Senators.
* Develop analytical, consensus-building and systems-perspective skills that can be applied to your organization.
* Must participate in 3 days of training, led by national Baldrige examiners, and commit to spending 100 to 150 hours for pre-work, training, application review individually and as a team member, and writing the final feedback report. Examiners meet with their applicant at the MPEA Conference and Awards Ceremony in April 2008 to provide feedback.
* Being an examiner is the best way to learn the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence and to develop skills that can be applied in your organization.
* Examiner Applications due: June 15, 2007
Flyer: MPEA: Call for Examiners
Learn more about being an MPEA Examiner at, email , or call 301-405-7173.
MPEA is a program of the Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute in the A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland. MPEA is supported by U.S. Senators Barbara Mikulski and Benjamin Cardin.
For further information, check out our Calendar page to review the deadlines, look at ASQ Baltimore’s MPEA Information page, or the MPEA home page,
Quality Community – MPEA