New Senior Fellows

May 28, 2007 by
Filed under: Membership 

Congratulations to the most recent 18 members promoted to Senior Fellow. New Senior Fellows (Section 502) (2007, Feb – Apr):

* DeGraves, Douglas A.
* Everett, Charles R.
* Fabyan, Rebecca B.
* Howard, Harry H.
* Humenik, Victoria
* Kfuri, Toni E.
* Lentz, Mark William
* Merz, Vincent P.
* Nickel, Daniel J.
* Paolino, Maria Angela
* Schaeffer, Howard J.
* Sisk, James A.
* Sklar, Ian B.
* Stewart, Kimberly C.
* Toalston, Sandra
* Ward, Gordon M.
* Weidmyer, Thomas
* White, Jonathan Edward Barrett

Examining Committee


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