Upcoming ASQ Section Board meetings

August 30, 2009 by
Filed under: Events, Section Board 

Save These Dates –

• Upcoming ASQ Section Board Meetings —


September 22;

October 20;

November 17;


January 29;

February 16;

March 16;

April 20;

May 18;

Please stop by to a Section Board meeting . . .

  • You have input in the future programs and direction of the Baltimore Section.
  • A chance to network with others in your field and in a similar position to yourself.
  • A chance to contribute to help further the Quality Profession and those impacted locally by it in Maryland.
  • You can get up to 1.5 Certification RUs per year participating in a Committee (up to 4.5 RUs per certification).
  • New Recertification rules allow you to earn Certification points for volunteering for individual events/tasks.

Without Volunteers, your Section may be unable to provide all of the service to its members. A lack of volunteers has impacted the Section over the last 2 years. Help us provide Quality to our members.

Section Board


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