ASQ Baltimore Website – Initial Maintenance Complete
The primary work on the ASQ Baltimore website and ASQ Jobseekers website has been completed.
Thank you for your patience.
The new website should be available as the new configuration propagates across the Internet and by this weekend, the new site should be seen by everyone.
Reservations are now active for the remaining meetings on the website.
There are a number of maintenance issues that will be worked on over the next few weeks, but there should be no downtime on the system and the email accounts that the Section uses are now active/live. Content for the meetings and other page will be updated over the net few weeks.
Improved website speed, better email management, and potentially new features will be the results of these changes, and hopefully, there will be updates on the website to note these for your information. The temporary email address that was set up for the conversion will be deleted.
Thank you for your patience.