Inclement Weather Policy

January 10, 2011 by
Filed under: Events, Website 

Policy updated (12/2015) – see posting here:

In order to outline to the membership what the current Inclement Weather Policy/SOP is for ASQ 0502 Baltimore sponsored events, we are posting this information.  This applies to Dinner meetings, Breakfast meetings, Social events, SIG events or Board Meetings.

In the event of inclement weather the day of an ASQ Baltimore (Section 502) activity, a cancellation notice will be posted at the top of the ASQ 0502 Baltimore website by 2 pm on the day of the event.  We will  make every effort to email any attendees who reserved through the website or reservations email account.

If there is additional status or news on re-scheduling, or other issues, we will include it on the website.

In summary, if you are unsure whether the event is being held, the decision will be made by 2pm, so please check the ASQ 0502 website to see the status of the event.

Thank you

Programs Committee


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