Info: Unemployed ASQ Membership Benefits

February 1, 2011 by
Filed under: Membership 

As of January 1, 2011, these are the current benefits for our unemployed members.

Unemployed Member Dues

Unemployed ASQ members receive a discount on their membership dues based on consecutive years of membership.

Consecutive Years of Membership _Dues Discount
1-4 50%
5 or more 100%

Eligibility Criteria

* You must be a Full, Senior, or Fellow member.
* Any years as a Forum, Associate, or enrolled student do not qualify.
* You may submit this application only after being unemployed for at least 90 days.
* You must be actively seeking employment.
* Retired or self-employed members are not eligible. ASQ offers a similar benefit for retired members.


* Your basic membership dues for the current membership year will be paid or partially paid by ASQ. Basic membership dues exclude
additional Forums and Divisions, journals, and additional Sections (Seniors and Fellows—you keep your extra benefit of choice).
* You may participate in the program for no more than two years in your membership lifetime. You must complete an application for the second
year of participation.
* After renewing your membership, please visit Careers in Quality to search for jobs, apply for positions online, and post your resume for employers to view.

See for further information.

Membership Committee


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