Fall 2011 Education Courses Announced

July 23, 2011 by
Filed under: Education 

Note: Courses at CCBC have been cancelled due to lack of enrollment.

The following courses will be held at the Catonsville Campus of CCBC.

71165 Certified Quality Engineer Review   Wednesdays  9/14 – 11/16  7-10:30 pm (cost $114)

71166 Certified Quality Auditor Review  Wednesdays 9/14 – 11/16  7-10:30 pm (cost $114)

If you are interested in enrolling, go to http://www.ccbcmd.edu/ceed/classes/bus_smallbiz.html.

The textbook will be the corresponding Primer from the Quality Council of Indiana (http://www.qualitycouncil.com/cm.asp#primers_bm) and will need to be purchased prior to the first class.  (Note: purchase of textbooks will not be refunded in case of class cancellation).  In the case of course cancellation, please email for alternative options.

Prior to the first class, please remove the colored pages from your binder.  DO NOT write on the pages.  Put the primer aside and answer ALL of the questions.  Grade each section and determine the percentage of question you got correct for each section.  This will give you a baseline as to which sections you will need to give extra attention to.

If you are interested in teaching or have any questions regarding these courses or have a particular course you would like to see, please email .


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