Membership Gift: Aug 2012 – Fishbone Diagram Bundle

August 2, 2012 by
Filed under: ASQ National, Membership 

ASQ offers its membership a monthly gift as a thank you for being a member.

The member gift for August takes a deeper look at a popular basic quality tool that identifies possible causes for a problem—the fishbone diagram. This powerful tool can also be used to brainstorm ideas as it sorts ideas into useful categories. Discover the different ways you can apply the tool and see samples of the tool at work.

• An Exclusive Webcast: An Introduction to the Fishbone Diagram
• A Quick and Easy Downloadable Template: Fishbone (Cause and Effect) Diagram
• Multiple Case Studies and Articles: How to Apply This Tool in Manufacturing, Service, Education, and Career Planning

We hope that you enjoy our gesture of gratitude for continuing your journey with ASQ. Thank you for your commitment to quality and for continuing to raise the voice of quality.

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