Proctors Needed
ASQ Certification Exam Proctors Needed:
ASQ Baltimore is in need of proctors for the upcoming October exam and future exams.
The primary job of the Proctor is to assist the certification test-takers as necessary, and to ensure the rules established by ASQ are followed during certification exams. To do this, Proctors assist the Chief Proctor with signing in exam takers, verifying identification, reviewing examination materials to ensure they are acceptable, monitoring the students during the time of the test, answering questions, and assisting the Chief Proctor/Certification Chair with any help needed.
The next exam to be held will be October 5, 2013 at the Community College of Baltimore County (Catonsville Campus). Rooms assigned are: 207, 209, 200, 211 in building CLRM (Classroom) (the old building E). (Any changes will be noted on the ASQ Baltimore website).
To assist with proctoring, please contact the Chief Proctor at, or through the website at:
Information on the program:
- The proctor is awarded 0.5 RUs for the assistance for the examination day.
- Proctors must be ASQ members (it is not required to be ASQ certified).
- The start time for Proctors is 7:00 a.m. but no later than 7:30 a.m. so they can get their packages for the Exam.
- The Exam runs from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. depending on the Exam being taken.
- The typical morning activity level is busy at registration, quiet time for the next few hours, busy at the end as exams are collected and any clean-up of the facility is needed.
- You will have to sign an ASQ Certification Confidentiality & Conflict of Interest sheet.
For any exams you proctor, you must wait a year to take the exam, and you are not able to proctor an exam that you took within the last year. Please let the Chief Proctor know what exams you have taken within the past year, and which exams you intend to take within the next year.
We are always looking for new volunteers for exam day. If after reviewing the guidelines above, you are interested in assisting with the examination process, please contact the Chief Proctor (
Thank you.
Francis C. Nielsen, CQE, CMfgE, LSME
Chief Proctor, ASQ 0502