Call for Nominations – Section Officers 2017

September 13, 2016 by
Filed under: Nominations, Section Board 

The nomination period for our Section Officers is now open, and will close on September 20, 2016, at the September Section Board Meeting.

Nominations are requested for the following positions: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

Nominations should include the Name, Member Number, and a short bio or summary of qualifications.

Elections will need to be held if there are multiple nominated candidates for any of the particular Executive Committee openings.

Serve as Chief Executive Officer of the section. Oversee all aspects of section management and lead all volunteers. Function as primary contact for regional director and headquarters.
Candidate: David Moore

In a section that does not use a chair-elect system, the vice chair is second in command after the chair. If there are multiple vice chairs, their responsibilities and succession order shall be established by the SEC or bylaws.
Candidate: Fernando Martinez

Oversee section funds; maintain accurate section financial records; and report on financial condition of the section at times directed by the bylaws and policies and procedures.
Candidate: No candidates at this time.

Document section business and maintain records of the section and serve as the official correspondent of the section.
Candidate: Thorsten Kappey

There are also other multiple (non elected) positions open within the Section.

There are numerous committees that are also open.  Feel free to contact us about these as well.

Please send information to or or use the Contact Us form on the ASQ Baltimore website.

Nominating Committee


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