September 2017 Dinner Meeting Announcement

September 7, 2017 by
Filed under: Events 

September Dinner Meeting – Leadership Theory

Information on the Tuesday, September 12, 2017 Dinner meeting has been posted:
Venue: Conference Center at the Maritime Institute, MD

Program: Leadership theory presented with focus on the business process activity diagram, the central tool for effective process understanding and change in any organization. The Business Process Diagram is the key tool that provides the linkage between specific processes and the overall business model. It serves as a “Rosetta Stone” for all business process activities, understanding specific business processes in the context of the larger business model and the activities that drive business to profitability.

Presenter: Marcus Parker is an internationally recognized lecturer, author, instructor, and an industry thought leader with 17 years of experience. He is currently a Partner with the Advanced Technology Executive Management Group, a Program Manager with the Department of Defense, and adjunct Professor at Trinity University in Washington, D. C. He is also a content contributor in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) 5 th edition chapter 8 on Quality Management. Marcus currently serves on the board of directors for Project Management For Change, and is the Immediate Past President of the Project Management Institute (PMI), Silver Spring Maryland chapter. He is the recipient of the 2015 PMI® Chapter Leadership award and under his leadership the board of directors won the 2015 PMI® award for collaboration and outreach.

Tutorial: Dr. Shewhart Process Improvement (X-bar & R) Charts.
This tutorial will provide Statistical techniques of constructing X-Bar (process mean) and R (Range) Chart. How to Interpret charts for making process Improvements.

Presenter: Naren Patel is an ASQ Fellow; he was trained by Dr. Deming & Dr. Juran in Quality Management
System. Naren is a performance-driven trained Six Sigma Black Belt Senior Executive with an extensive
background of comprehensive achievements in developing, executing, managing, and improving
operations for International Corporations, as well as medical and aerospace industries; leveraging
business acumen across diverse cultures and economies. He is recognized for developing and
implementing sound quality-assurance and reliability principles; decreasing cycle time and reducing costs. He has presented numerous papers including ASQ World Conference, biomedical, audit conference & PMI Symposium. He made significant contribution in developing a Web based course for “Supplier Quality Engineer in Biomedical industry, the course is offered by ASQ National. He holds the following ASQ certifications: CQE, CRE, and CQA. He has taught refresher courses for the preparation of CQE, CRE and CQA exams.

Click on Events » Dinner Meetings on the website so you can get details on the dinner.

Click on Events » Event Reservations on the website in order to reserve your spot at the dinner.

Look forward to seeing you there for networking and a great meeting topic at our new Meeting Venue.

Program Committee


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