Message from the Chair

September 2, 2009 by · Comments Off on Message from the Chair
Filed under: Section Board 

To: ASQ Baltimore (Section 502) Membership
From: Joan Richter, ASQ Baltimore (Section 502) Chair

Welcome to a new year for the Baltimore Section of ASQ. With your help, it should be a fantastic year.

First a few “thank you”s:

  • I would like to thank Eric Whichard for his leadership over the last two years. Eric plans to be active in the section in the future and has accepted the position as ASQ Region 5 Director. On behalf of the section, I would like to congratulate and wish him all the luck in his new position.
  • To the leadership committee members, thank you for your time, assistance, and energy. Without you, we would not be the Section that we are.
  • To the membership, thank you for being members of the Section. I am proud to say that we have four members who have been members for over fifty years.
  • Special thanks to Eric Finegan who is in the process of redesigning the website. Eric has done a great job. Look for changes over the next few months.

The 2009 – 2010 Dinner Meeting schedule has been posted on the website ( In addition to the 2009 – 2010 Dinner meeting schedule, there is a lot of other information that you may find interesting (including Jobseekers, Education, Recertification, Exam schedule – just to name a few).

Regarding Dinner Meetings, I would like to address a comment from the dinner meeting surveys. A comment that we keep seeing is for “meetings to be held at other location”. Currently all meetings for this coming year have been scheduled for Snyder’s on Tuesdays. We have discussed the comment at the Board meeting, but most of the Board lives south of the city. If you know of a restaurant (with a separate meeting room and adequate parking like Snyder’s), please pass the name of the restaurant on to me or a member of the Board; otherwise, the meetings will be at Snyder’s. We are flexible and are willing to move the meetings around, however we need a viable location.

In addition to possible locations for meetings, if you can help us with any of the following, please feel free to contact myself or any of the Board members:

  • Speakers for Dinner meetings
  • Hosting a Breakfast meeting
  • Becoming a member of the Board (we have several positions open and can always use your help)

I am looking forward to being the Chair for the coming year and will appreciate any feedback. If you have any comments, please feel free to contact me.

Thanks – jr
Joan Richter
ASQ Baltimore (Section 502)

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